About Us

The Lakeland Genealogy Portal is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of the Lakeland community. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and accessible database of historical records, including census data and voter lists, to help individuals explore their genealogy and connect with their heritage. By leveraging technology, we aim to support genealogical research and promote an understanding of the community's past.

This is a work-in-progress. More data will be added over time.

The Lakeland Community Heritage Project focuses on preserving the history of African Americans in College Park, Maryland. We engage in various initiatives, such as the collection and preservation of memorabilia, photographs, and personal stories of past Lakelanders. Our ongoing efforts include educational programs, community events, and restorative justice initiatives aimed at acknowledging and rectifying historical injustices faced by the Lakeland community.

Join us in our mission to keep the spirit of Lakeland alive and accessible for future generations. Through our portal, you can access valuable resources and connect with a network of individuals dedicated to the preservation of our shared heritage.

For more information, visit https://lakelandchp.com/. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at lakelandcollegepark@gmail.com